Daily Prayers for October This article contains access to Daily Prayers for October. Christian Daily Prayers for every day of the year. The greatest gift we can give to others is our prayers. This section contains a short Christian Daily Prayer for every day in the month of October. The Daily Christian Prayers for October provide words of inspiration for daily Christian worship and are suitable for men, women, teens, children and all of the family. The selection of short daily prayers enables those of the Christian faith to acknowledge God as the source of all our help every day promoting spiritual growth and communion with God. Click one of the following links to access a short Christian prayer for the day of your choice: Prayer for the Day - Meaning and Definition What is the meaning of prayer? What is the definition of a prayer? Definition: A prayer is defined as communicating with one's God. A religious observance or exercise intended for personal spiritual growth. Prayers can be spoken silently or out loud in a group of people. Prayers can be used in private and personal worship or in public worship at Church. Wherever prayers are spoken they are our means of communicating with God. Daily Prayers for October - A short prayer to start the day Organized by day, each short daily prayer provides Christians with the spiritual wisdom which can be applied to the problems of everyday life. The beautiful words of some of these daily prayers for this month are as follows: Don’t pray when it rains, if you don’t pray when the sun shines...
Spirit of life, I pray that thou wilt continually live within me. May my days be spent neither in waste nor idleness, but planned to use, with the best that is given me. Amen. |
<><><><><> Heavenly Father, I pray that I may not be so consistent in the small things of life that I will lose the great inspirations that come to the soul. Broaden my life, that I may have the freedom of heart and mind to pass over the failures and interruptions, and with vigorous energy continue in the progress of life. Amen. |
<><><><><> Heavenly Father, thou hast made sympathy divine. May I never make it commonplace. Grant that as thou dost bless and comfort me I may be willing to comfort others, and do whatsoever thou wouldst have me do. Amen. |
<><><><><> Lord God, may I not wait until I am afflicted and cannot use them to thank thee for my blessings. Guard me against infirmities that are brought on through indulgences, and help me to control my life. May I never forget that regret will not retrieve the life that is spent, even if it brings forgiveness and hope for the days to come. Amen. |
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Daily Prayers for October We hope that you gain spiritual inspiration from this selection of Christian Daily Prayers for all of the family. An ideal free Christian resource for daily prayers for promoting personal spiritual growth.